A 6-month, high level mastermind experience to completely rebrand from the inside out; expand your mindset, refresh your brand design, and boost your income.

That next big breakthrough you're craving? It's not about finding a fancy new strategy. It's about tapping into a whole new version of yourself — one that's overflowing with limitless potential.
You already have a great business. You love this work and your clients are obsessed with the transformation you provide. Everything looks dandy on the outside. But…
  • You’re not as confident as you should be 
  • You know you can earn more, but you’re stuck in the scaling process
  • You have a lot of ideas and you’re not sure which ones to lean into 
  • You have dreams bigger than you can hold, but no clear action step to turn it into your reality
  • You find yourself burning out from social media and need a boost of marketing energy & inspiration
  • You love what you do, but some days you’re feeling lost or afraid of taking the next leap in your business
  • You feel disconnected from your business because you’re evolving and ready to go to the next level
  • You wish your business designs truly reflected you and attracted your dream customer
  • There's a lot of noise out there on how to market the "right" way, and you're wasting time trying the next new thing with zero results.

Here’s the reality. I’ve been here and I know how it feels to look for a strategic solution to fix feeling "stuck." But what if I told you the key here is a massive mindset reset to feel more connected to your business brand, and not another watered down generic strategy? I bet deep down you already know this...
You’re going to get ahead in your business when you operate at a level where you feel aligned, authentic, and empowered. To get there we must let go of old belief patterns, clients, or programs that no longer serve us. We need to shed and rebrand. This is exactly what the Rebrand Mastermind is about.

The Rebrand Mastermind is Your Perfect Match if You...

Crave marketing strategies that feel truly authentic and propel your business forward with purpose

 Feel prepared to dive deep, identifying and removing any obstacles standing between you and immense growth

Love what you do and are eager to create offers that not only better help your client, but bring you genuine joy 

Have recently undergone significant life changes and are seeking to realign with your evolving identity

Thrive on the added support and accountability provided by a like-minded community, led by an expert coach

Are ready to elevate your brand's design to effortlessly attract your dream clients

The 6-month Rebrand Mastermind Experience

Biweekly 60-minute Zoom hot seat coaching calls on Tuesdays, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, EST

One 60-minute Zoom call to create your new brand design in real time

Five 30-minute 1:1 calls over a 6-month period 

Daily Whatsapp group chat access with Michelle responding 3 days/week

Runs July 2 – December 30

It's the Core that Counts

Rebranding is not only about how your business looks –– it’s also about becoming the higher level version of you who knows her worth, generates impact, attracts premium clients, and feels her best EVER.

 If this is giving you goosebumps and you can clearly envision the most epic version of yourself…YOU ARE ready to embody your dream brand NOW!

Hi! I'm Michelle!

I bet you’re ready to shake things up and make some magic happen! You’re tired of things feeling stagnant. I've been there — hustling like crazy, feeling stuck, and wondering if there's more out there. 

I was once just a freelance graphic designer, feeling boxed in, hitting that ceiling at $4k a month. But I decided to flip the script. By revamping my mindset, repositioning my services, and fine-tuning my messaging, I reached a whole new level of success — six figures in less than a year. It wasn't just about the money, it was about finding alignment with my purpose, overcoming a decade-long battle with depression by reshaping the way I thought, and believing in myself like never before. Suddenly, nothing felt impossible.

And now, I'm here to guide you on this journey to building a brand that makes you feel unstoppable. Together, we'll revamp your style, elevate your mindset, tap into your target dream customer, and chase down those wild, crazy goals. How exciting does that sound?

When You Look Good, You Feel Good

Included in your 6-month membership is a custom, fresh brand suite that we design in real time. This includes a logo design, monogram/emblem, and custom color palette. You'll receive these files in various formats to use for print and web (think business cards, swag, Canva, and beyond!)

"As a creative, I initially approached Michelle with a plethora of exciting ideas, yet found myself scattered and lacking direction. Through working with Michelle, I gained clarity on my true aspirations, the person I aspire to become, and the legacy I wish to leave behind. Not only have I honed my focus within my business, but I also feel more grounded and authentic in my personal life as well. Michelle possesses a remarkable ability to see the greatness within individuals and believes in their success. She truly wants to see other women thrive and achieve the success they might not even dreamed possible. With Michelle's guidance, I am confident I will fulfill the purpose Hashem intended for me"

– Mushky A.

You can continue to feel stuck and isolated in the business growth process…or you can have a clear action plan and guidance with lots of cheerleading and support!​

No more second-guessing, no more throwing spaghetti at a wall, and no more investing in courses that don’t help! Get a personalized strategy that will help you show up better in your business and earn more!

You deserve to feel totally aligned with your brand and build customer connection like never before.

You deserve to have a logo and designs you feel proud of.

You deserve to build unwavering confidence and shake off all limiting beliefs.

Now is the time for clarity on your business goals, offers you feel excited about, and more revenue!

Only 6 spots available. Apply now to reserve your seat in the mastermind group before we fill up.
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The Rebrand Mastermind

A 6-month business growth experience


Please only check out if your application has already been accepted by Michelle.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Today's payment
  • Rebrand Mastermind$1250
  • Future payments
  • $1250

All prices in USD